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To enable a perfect study session, the correct and easy to use tools make it more exciting and help one stay focused. Amalgamated below is a list of essentials to gain those marks and knowledge, so keep reading! 

  • Study Table. The primary requirement to keep your mind focused and body posture to avoid pains while studying is the need for a good study table. There are plastic, metal, and aesthetic wooden study tables available for you to choose from either virtually, or physically.
  • Pencils, Pens, and Highlighters. Oh, the classics. Pencils never go out of fashion and although most students use pens for writing purposes, pencils are used for underlying, or sometimes even doodling! There are colourful and cute mechanical pencils, and various pens like ink, ball, and gel. Highlighters of bright colors can be used to pop the important content.
  • Note Cards and Book Tabs. Whether you are making a list of vocabulary or monumental dates, or if you need to keep a track of important pages and lines, these are a must-have. These are easily available in stationery stores, in plain/colourful form, with or without lines, and with or without headers, all in various associated colors.
  • Water Bottle and Snacks. To avoid breaking the flow of studying when you feel thirsty, keep a well-designed water bottle; treat yourself with a snack after each study session. 


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